The French Revolution


“the appalling thing in the French Revolution is not the tumult but the design. Through all the fire and smoke we perceive the evidence of calculating organization. The managers remain studiously concealed and masked; but there is no doubt about their presence from the first.” (Lord Acton, Lectures on the French Revolution, p. 97.)

“Mr. de Lamartine once wrote to me thusly: ‘Your doctrine is only half of my program. You have stopped at liberty; I go on to fraternity.’ I answered him: ‘The second half of your program will destroy the first.’” (Frederic Bastiat, Fraternity refers to the slogan of the French Revolution “Liberte, Egalite, Faternite” or Liberty, Equality, and Brotherhood which in part exploited the masses on to revolution seeking to enforce all three by government decree. The Law, p. 22. 1850.)

“Practically all of the civil and ecclesiastical establishments of Europe have already been shaken to their foundations by this terrible organization; the French Revolution itself is doubtless to be traced to its machinations; the successes of the French armies are to be explained on the same ground. The Jacobins are nothing more nor less than the open manifestation of the hidden system of the Illuminati. The Order has its branches established and its emissaries at work in America. The affiliated Jacobin Societies in America have doubtless had as the object of their establishment the propagation of the principles of the illuminated mother club in France...I hold it a duty, my brethren, which I owe to God, to the cause of religion, to my country and to you, at this time, to declare to you, thus honestly and faithfully, these truths. My only aim is to awaken you and myself a due attention, at this alarming period, to our dearest interests. As a faithful watchman I would give you warning of your present danger.” (Reverend Jedidiah Morse, May 9, 1798.)

“Shall our sons become the disciples of Voltaire and the dragoons of Murat, or our daughters, the concubines of the Illuminati?” (Yale Professor Timothy Dwight)

“That these societies were instituted by the artful and designing members (many of their body I have no doubt mean well, but know little of the real plan,) primarily to sow the seeds of jealousy and distrust among the people, of the government, by destroying all confidence in the Administration of it; and that these doctrines have been budding and blowing ever since, is not new to any one, who is acquainted with the characters of their leaders, and has been attentive to their manoeuvres. I early gave it as my opinion to the confidential characters around me, that, if these Societies were not counteracted (not by prosecutions, the ready way to make them grow stronger) or did not fall into disesteem from the knowledge of their origin, and the views with which they had been instituted by their father, Genet, for purposes well known to the Government; that they would shake the government to its foundation. Time and circumstances have confirmed me in this opinion, and I deeply regret the probable consequences…because I see, under a display of popular and fascinating guises, the most diabolical attempts to destroy the best fabric of human government and happiness, that has ever been presented for the acceptance of mankind.

“A part of the plan for creating discord, is, I perceive, to make me say things of others, and others of me, wch. have no foundation in truth. The first, in many instances I know to be the case; and the second I believe to be so; but truth or falsehood is immaterial to them, provided their objects are promoted.” (George Washington, referring to the democratic societies established by French ambassador and Illuminist agent Edmond-Charles Genêt, which incited popular uprisings against the government and fomented the Whiskey Rebellion, attempting to replicate the horror of the French Revolution in the newly created United States. The Writings of George Washington, vol. 33. August 26, 1794.)

“You certainly never felt the terrorism, excited by Genet, in 1793, when ten thousand people in the streets of Philadelphia, day after day, threatened to drag Washington out of his house, and effect a revolution in the government… nothing but [a miracle] could have saved the United States from a total revolution of government.” (John Adams, in a letter to Thomas Jefferson. June 30, 1813.)

“[these] democratic clubs [were] so perfectly affiliated with the Parisian Jacobins that their origin from a common parent cannot possibly be mistaken.” (John Quincy Adams, 1825.)