Robert Welch

Articles by This Author

  The Truth in Time

Quotes by This Author

“We can never win … unless both leadership and following have a positive dream which is more important as a hope than the negative nightmare is as a fear; unless the promise of what we can build supplies more motivation than the terror of what we must destroy; and unless this faith in the future is based on a deeper faith in eternal truths.” (Robert Welch, 1958.)

“Since August, 1945 [to December 1958], the Communists have averaged taking over seven thousand newly enslaved subjects every hour. And please remember that these people, whether in Indonesia or Iraq or Korea, have the same love for their families, think of concentration camps with the same despairing horror, and feel the same pain under torture, as do you and I.” (Robert Welch, The Blue Book, p. 17. December 1958.)

“In summary, Gentlemen, we are losing, rapidly, a cold war in which our freedom, our country, and our very existence are at stake. And while we don’t seem to know we are loosing this war, you can be sure the Communists do. There is just one thing—only one thing in the whole world—which the Communists fear today. It is that, despite their tremendous influence in our government and over all of our means of mass communication, the American people will wake up too soon to what has really been happening, and what is now happening right under their very noses. The only thing which can possibly stop the Communists is for the American people to learn the truth in time.” (Robert Welch, The Blue Book, p. 25. December 1958.)

“You may think I am an alarmist. Frankly I am. For in my opinion, based on many years of intensive study of the conspiracy, there is ample reason for extreme alarm; and I hope to make you alarmists too. It seems to me that all you need, to cause you to share my alarm, my fears, and my determination, is simply to get a map of the world and Look at the Score! And the first thing for you to do, as a newly awakened alarmist, is to become better informed about many things that we cannot cover here.” (Robert Welch, The Blue Book, p. 25. December 1958.)

“The number of people subject to these cruelties is now increasing by tens of millions every year, and we are directly in the path of the conqueror. Are we really so hopelessly blind, so stupefied by “prosperity” on one side and insidious propaganda on the other, that we cannot even see the wolves devouring the carcasses of our brothers or drawing ever nearer to ourselves? Are we going to let our country and our whole civilization go under, and the new “Dark Ages” of serfdom be ushered in, while we happily play at our little games? May God forbid; but may we speedily become more worthy that He should.” (Robert Welch, The Blue Book, p. 28. December 1958.)

“For whether you believe it or not, we are far along in a gathering crisis that is going to make us all search deeply into our beliefs, and into the values and loyalties that motivate our actions. This is a world-wide battle, the first in history, between light and darkness; between freedom and slavery; between the spirit of Christianity and the spirit of anti-Christ for the souls and bodies of men.” (Robert Welch, The Blue Book, p. 28. December 1958.)

“For we need disciplined pullers at the oars, and not passengers in the boat.…So we are asking for a lot, and we want you to know it, if and when you sign an application blank for membership in the John Birch Society.” (Robert Welch, The Blue Book, p. 153, 155. December 1958.)

“For, as I have said, we are not kidding, or just talking, and we do mean business every step of the way.” (Robert Welch, The Blue Book, p. 155. December 1958.)

“Unless we can win that battle, the war for a better world will again be carried on through long and feudal Dark Ages, after we have been killed, our children have been enslaved, and all that we value has been destroyed. That is not rhetoric, and it is not exaggeration. It is a plain statement of the stark danger that is rapidly closing in on us right now.” (Robert Welch, The Blue Book, p. 156. December 1958.)

“As to what is expected of you, in either effort or money, if you are thinking of half-way measures we might as well quit now. But I might as well also reveal my own fanaticism by telling you that there is no force and no discouragement which could make me quit or even put less of my life and energy into the struggle.” (Robert Welch, The Blue Book, p. 157. December 1958.)

“I am far more comfortable working sixteen hours a day, seven days per week, on the same problem and without pay, than I would be in a concentration camp behind an electrified barbed-wire fence. And while I am not actually suggesting quite so drastic a level of work or sacrifice for anybody else at this time, I do want to repeat that we are not going to be saved from concentration camps by those who plan to do the saving every Saturday morning before lunch…” (Robert Welch, The Blue Book, p. 157. December 1958.)

“All we must find and build and use, to win, is sufficient understanding. Let’s create that understanding and build that resistance, with everything mortal men can put into the effort—while there is still time.” (Robert Welch, The Blue Book, p. 160. December 1958.)