
“When my son, Reed, was invited to be a state coordinator for the John Birch Society, he asked me if he should accept it. I had read the Blue Book and other basic materials of the Society. I had met Mr. Welch and other leaders and members. I had read Mr. Welch’s famous letter which has since been published in book form entitled The Politician. I knew Reed would be enrolling in an unpopular cause. I also knew he would receive a certain amount of vilification if he took this job. Nevertheless, I told him to go ahead if he thought this was the most effective way to defend the Constitution and fight the Socialist-Communist menace.…When he joined I expressed my opinion that I was convinced that the John Birch Society was the most effective non-church organization in our fight against creeping Socialism and godless Communism.…Some people have told me this was not good strategy, but I disagree. I feel it is always good strategy to stand up for the right, even when it is unpopular. Perhaps I should say, ESCPECIALLY when it is unpopular. (Ezra Taft Benson, December 19, 1963.)

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